Orville Moody famous quotes


  • It is a sad commentary of our times when our young must seek advice and counsel from 'Dear Abby' instead of going to Mom and Dad.

  • Okay, using the dreaded middle name is not the best way to forge a bond.

  • There was less than I’d expected in the rainy-day fund that Mom had kept in the bottom of an underwear drawer in a panty hose egg labeled ‘DEAD SPIDERS.’ As if I hadn’t always known it was there. As if I wouldn’t want to look at dead spiders.

  • The Old Testament is responsible for more atheism, agnosticism, disbelief - call it what you will - than any book ever written; it has emptied more churches than all the counterattractions of cinema, motor bicycle and golf course.

  • I just picked up golf, it was good, give me a chance to play golf.

  • I've got two girls. I like to play golf. Apart from that there's not a lot goes on in my life. So I am boring, aren't I?

  • As to your kind wishes for myself, allow me to say I can not enter the ring on the money basis--first, because, in the main, it iswrong; and secondly, I have not, and can not get, the money. I say, in the main, the use of money is wrong; but for certain objects, in a political contest, the use of some, is both right, and indispensable.

  • But all my people, the Palestinians and the Arabs, wish me long life and freedom.

  • I wish I came from a more pure place. I don't have something to say from the bottom of my soul. I just know how to take stuff I like and repackage it in a slightly different way.

  • Ignorance is bliss. I wish I still had some.