Jeff Ayres famous quotes

Last updated: Sep 5, 2024

  • If there is any way you can get colder than you do when you sleep in a bedding roll on the ground in a tent in southern Tunisia two hours before dawn, I don't know about it.

  • Dream is not that which you see while sleeping it is something that does not let you sleep.

  • Books should, not Business, entertain the Light; And Sleep, as undisturb'd as Death, the Night.

  • I could not sleep when I got on such a hunt for an idea until I had caught it; ...This was a kind of passion with me, and it has stuck by me; for I am never easy now, when I am handling a thought, till I have bounded it north, and bounded it south, and bounded it east, and bounded it west.

  • One of the advantages of being disorderly is that one is constantly making exciting discoveries.

  • I first read science fiction in the old British Chum annual when I was about 12 years old.

  • We must not overlook the role that extremists play. They are the gadflies that keep society from being too complacent or self-satisfied; they are, if sound, the spearhead of progress. If they are fundamentally wrong, free discussion will in time put an end to them.

  • Where lies the line between sorcery and science? It is only a matter of terminology, my friend.

  • On the rare occasions when I spend a night in Oxford, the keeping of the hours by the clock towers in New College, and Merton, and the great booming of Tom tolling 101 times at 9 pm at Christ Church are inextricably interwoven with memories and regrets and lost joys. The sound almost sends me mad, so intense are the feelings it evokes.

  • Oh, treacherous night thou lendest thy ready veil to every treason, and teeming mischief's beneath thy shade.

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