Bradley Joseph famous quotes

50 minutes ago

  • The public is like a piano. You just have to know what keys to poke.

  • You bang that piano real nice.

  • The joy of all mysteries is the certainty which comes from their contemplation, that there are many doors yet for the soul to open on her upward and inward way.

  • Joys, which we do not know, we do not wish.

  • I am in awe of the things you've been put through and the fact you can still light up a room when you walk in. When I look at you I see life. I see joy. I see my future.

  • Joy seems to me a step beyond happiness- happiness is a sort of atmosphere you can live in sometimes when you're lucky. Joy is a light that fills you with hope and faith and love.

  • There are some vile and contemptible men who, allowing themselves to be conquered by misfortune, seek a refuge in death.

  • It is necessary to fall in love... if only to provide an alibi for all the random despair you are going to feel anyway.

  • ...the habit of despair is worse than despair itself.

  • He who despairs of the human condition is a coward, but he who has hope for it is a fool.

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