Janwillem van de Wetering famous quotes


  • But all of this action goes on in the dark, hidden underground. It’s called stealing or piracy, as if sharing a wealth of knowledge were the moral equivalent of plundering a ship and murdering its crew. But sharing isn’t immoral - it’s a moral imperative. Only those blinded by greed would refuse to let a friend make a copy.

  • Do not follow vain desires; for verily he who prospers is preserved from lust, greed and anger.

  • Ours is an upbeat, a hurried, hasty beat. It keeps pressing us to go farther, to include everything so that we can savor everything, so that we can know everything, so that we will miss nothing. Partly it's greed, but mainly its curiosity. We just want to experience it. And we do.

  • I contemplated my greed for peace. And I did not seek tranquillity anymore.

  • The main source of our wealth is goodness. The affections and the generous qualities that God admires in a world full of greed.

  • The voice of experience keeps its mouth shut.

  • No one's mouth is big enough to utter the whole thing.

  • But you can vanquish the demons only when you yourself are convinced of your own worth.

  • In the very depths of Hell, do not demons love one another?

  • Demon or not, it didn't matter, suffering was everywhere he looked.