Brigham Young, Jr. famous quotes

50 minutes ago

  • The function of the press in society is to inform, but its role in society is to make money.

  • The state exists for man, not man for the state. The same may be said of science. These are old phrases, coined by people who saw in human individuality the highest human value. I would hesitate to repeat them, were it not for the ever recurring danger that they may be forgotten, especially in these days of organization and stereotypes.

  • Genuine forgiveness does not deny anger but faces it head-on.

  • It's been so long since I've let myself feel anger that I don't just feel it. It covers my mouth and I swallow it down, the taste sharp and metal as though I'm gnawing through foilware.

  • If, on a rare occasion, it is necessary to speak with some severity in order to make a grievous crime felt, we should always, at the conclusion of the rebuke, add some kind words. We must heal wounds, as the Samaritan did, with wine and oil. But as oil floats above all other liquors, so meekness should predominate in all our actions.

  • Salvation, the prophets tell us, is preconditioned by repentance. The redeeming act of God waits upon man's initiative.

  • I will definitely attempt to sail around the world again. In fact, I can't wait for the chance to try again.

  • Everything comes to the man who won't wait.

  • We're all waiting for the opportunity to do big films but you have to wait your turn - unless you get offered something like Twilight when you're 20! Otherwise, you just have to keep slogging away.

  • Warriorship is so tender, without skin, without tissue, naked and raw. It is soft and gentle. You have renounced putting on a new suit of armor. You have renounced growing a thick, hard skin. You are willing to expose naked flesh, bone and marrow to the world.