Haj Amin al-Husseini famous quotes


  • Disrespect earns the displeasure of the creator and the creation.

  • We have been given a role to play. We have been asked to provide, to give lectures on the role of Islamic development and the way we do it here, so the people who are Muslims there would understand what the role of Islam is.

  • Someone who seeks to travel the path of Allah should begin with a sound repentance from all his sins.

  • As to women, the Islamic faith has given women rights that are equal to or more than the rights given them in the Old Testament and the Bible.

  • Be content with what you have Be satisfied with your dwelling place to accommodate your enterprise, Restrain your tongue, And shed tears of regret regarding past sins you committed knowingly, and those you do not recognize.

  • A loud noise will get your fight-or-flight response going. This, over the years, can cause real cardiovascular damage.

  • Sawyer was always the Vincent boy worth fighting for. He's the special one.

  • He (Jeremy Clarkson) is the last man standing on the beach commanding the glaciers' melt waters to go back

  • The sanctified body is one whose hands are clean. The stain of dishonesty is not on them, the withering blight of ill-gotten gain has not blistered them, the mark of violence is not found upon them. They have been separated from every occupation that could displease God or injure a fellow-man.

  • Our first duty is to satisfy the spiritual master, who can arrange for the Lord's mercy. A common man must first begin to serve the spiritual master or the devotee. Then, through the mercy of the devotee, the Lord will be satisfied. Unless one receives the dust of a devotee's lotus feet on one's head, there is no possibility of advancement. Unless one approaches a pure devotee, he cannot understand the Supreme Personality of Godhead.

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