Danah Zohar famous quotes

50 minutes ago

  • Foreign Ministry guys don't become agents. Party officials, the Foreign Ministry nerds, tend not to volunteer to Western intelligence agencies.

  • In the real world, I see conservatives volunteering at adoption agencies, at churches, at bake sales and the local American Legion Post while the only charity a progressive sends is a smug sermon on fair share and what fairness is.

  • It's important to know that the vast majority of people who were excited in 2008 are still really enthusiastic. We've got more volunteers now than ever, and they're engaged, they're motivated, they're not paying attention to the ups and downs of polls or Washington.

  • When giving comes directly from the heart, it can never disappoint or embarrass.

  • A "just war" - if there could be such a thing - would not require conscription. Volunteers would be plentiful.

  • It was not the people or the Roman soldiers who put Jesus on the cross - it was your sins and my sins that made it necessary for Him to volunteer His death.

  • The people are the government, administering it by their agents; they are the government, the sovereign power.

  • The devil’s agents may be of flesh and blood, may they not?

  • The Christian is not obedient unless he is doing all in his power to send the Gospel to the heathen world.

  • A divided heart loses both worlds.