Otomo no Tabito famous quotes

50 minutes ago

  • Some people will find any reason to hate. Don’t waste ur time. Lighten up! It takes so much less energy to smile than to hate. Enjoy life.

  • Happiness is like a kiss. You must share it to enjoy it.

  • In Unity there is strength; We can move mountains when we're united and enjoy life - Without unity we are victims. Stay united.

  • I do have a childlike enthusiasm at times. I certainly enjoy life and get pleasure sometimes in childish things.

  • A woman needs to enjoy life a little bit more. Needs to think about family, needs to think about kids.

  • I enjoy thelove I receive from my fans and my audience. But I think I know what is realfor me and what is not.

  • I enjoy every climb - maybe it's because it's a literal dance between life and death.

  • Americans often have trouble enjoying the present moment.

  • On a selfish basis, I really enjoy sports and activity.

  • I see no point in being despondent. We might as well enjoy ourselves during our brief tenure of this life.

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