Sarah Susanka famous quotes


  • One of the most basic human instincts is the need to decorate. Nothing is exempt - the body, the objects one uses, from intimate to monumental, and all personal and ceremonial space. It is an instinct that responds ... to some deep inner urge that has been variously described as the horror of a vacuum and the need to put one's imprint on at least one small segment of the world.

  • I've been told I sold 110m albums and singles. If that's the case, I should've come here in a space rocket.

  • I sing around the house, in the shower

  • She frowned."You're not very friendly." I let out a short laugh."What?I'm not friendly to a ghost who floats into my house and starts touching me?Well,excuse my rudeness but this is a little disturbing.

  • The trade magazine and all was banned in my house. The first time I read a film magazine was when I was 18.

  • The house has to serve comfort. The work of art is revolutionary; the house is conservative.

  • It’s the glitches and twists, I thought, that make this universe unique and compelling. Without flaws, there would be no depth, no substance.

  • Beer is sacred business, a mood-altering food substance that may have preserved the human species. To drink beer is to be human.

  • Work is the only thing that gives substance to life.

  • I think that in human evolution it has never been as necessary to have this substance LSD. It is just a tool to turn us into what we are supposed to be.