Drew Endy famous quotes
50 minutes ago
Biological engineering is not necessarily understanding systems but rather, I want to be able to design and build biological systems to perform particular applications.
-- Drew Endy -
If you can write DNA, you're no longer limited to 'what is' but to what you could make.
-- Drew Endy -
The scope of material I can work with is not limited to the set of things that we inherit from nature.
-- Drew Endy
I loved history in my school days, and I have always been a voracious reader. But in India, you end up doing MBA, engineering or medicine.
The transition from the concept of information in the technical (communication engineering) sense to the semantic (theory of meaning) sense was indeed difficult, if not impossible.
A beaver does not, as legend would have it, know which direction the tree will fall when he cuts it, but counts on alacrity to make up for lack of engineering expertise.
Prime Minister Sharon, Prime Minister Abbas, I urge you today to end the designs of those who seek destruction, annihilation and occupation, and I urge you to have the will and the courage to begin to realize our dreams of peace, prosperity and coexistence.
Our fates are in the hands of An Almighty God, to whom I can with pleasure confide my own; he can save us, or destroy us; his Councils are fixed and cannot be disappointed, and all his designs will be Accomplished.
It is the rare architect who does not hope in his heart to design a great building and for whom the quest is not a quiet, consuming passion.
I would like to mention that I have flown the 262 first in May ‘43. At this time, the aircraft was completely secret. I first knew of the existence of this aircraft only early in ‘42 - even in my position. This aircraft didn’t have any priority in design or production.
The designs we see in nature are not the result of chance. They rise naturally, spontaneously, because they enhance access to flow…
We are not separate. Our sense of separateness is superficial and exist only in the physical dimension. In our human element, we are not separate; we’re very much connected. Every other human being is just as precious as we are, and worthy of as much respect and love and consideration. This understanding needs to manifest in our conduct in each moment. This is the part of the Work that will transform you.
Cats and I have an understanding, but we choose not to interact often.
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