Dean Haglund famous quotes


  • Experience has taught me, when I am shaving of a morning, to keep watch over my thoughts, because, if a line of poetry strays into my memory, my skin bristles so that the razor ceases to act.

  • I do not wish to die- There is such contingent beauty in life: The open window on summer mornings Looking out on gardens and green things growing, The shadowy cups of roses flowering to themselves- Images of time and eternity- Silence in the garden and felt along the walls.

  • They say that only very good friends quarrel. But at the end of the day a quarrel is a fight between two people’s egos. Since people cannot understand each other by just being honest. May be its impossible to live your whole life without getting hurt but don’t hurt the people close to you.

  • [from a reader] Whenever I feel myself resenting someone, I reach out. I have made good friends that way.

  • I have a good friend, Rudolf Serkin, the pianist, a very sensitive man. I was talking to him one day backstage after a concert and I told him that I thought he had played particularly sensitively that day. I said, "You know, many pianists are brilliant, they strike the keys so well, but somehow you are different." "Ah," he said, "I don't think you should ever strike a key. You should pull the keys with your fingers."

  • I have everything in the world that is necessary to happiness--good faith, good friends, and all the work I can possibly do.

  • Believe it, my good friend, to love truth for truth's sake is the principal part of human perfection in the world, and the seed-plot of all other virtues; and if I mistake not, you have as much of it as I ever met with in anybody.

  • I love nyc. It's the city of my birth and probably the most amazing city on the planet.

  • There's a reason I moved to NYC, and if I listed all the musicians on my list you'd grow weary.

  • New York is like that perfect lover that just won't commit but he's so good that you hang around anyway, NYC is dreamy!