Charlamagne Tha God famous quotes
Nobody can make you angry without your consent, nobody can disappoint you without your consent, you have to give people consent to do these things.
-- Charlamagne Tha God -
You have to start looking in the mirror and saying, 'this is who I am, this is what I am and this is how I'm going to be' and start demanding more from yourself. In spite of everything that this system has thrown at us, we still have to live at the end of the day. We still have to find purpose and find ways to prosper and make a profit so you have to find ways to stand on your own two feet and fulfill your potential as a black man or black woman on this planet no matter how marginalized or oppressed you may be.
-- Charlamagne Tha God -
You can be very honest and direct with people, respectfully. I never do anything maliciously; I simply give my honest opinion.
-- Charlamagne Tha God -
I pride myself on being the nicest person in the room. My grandmother always told me, 'Manners will take you where money won't.' When I walk into a room, I say "hello" to everyone I don't care who the person is or what they do, it's simply being respectful.
-- Charlamagne Tha God -
Growing up I watched examples of how not to treat people. I knew when I got into certain positions that I wasn't going to talk to people the way that they did. My mindset is, if you want to see the true character of a person watch how they treat those who can't do anything for them.
-- Charlamagne Tha God -
If you say that you're a king, queen, god or goddess and you recognize that you're from ancestral greatness, you have to start living up to that. It's really just that simple.
-- Charlamagne Tha God -
I think about everyone in my life that was harsh with me or who gave me tough love and told me things that I didn't want to hear in that moment; fortunately it ended up being really good for me and I have nothing but respect for them today and those are the people I return to when I need that real honest advice.
-- Charlamagne Tha God -
I remember reading a book called, "From Niggas To Gods, Part One" by Andre Akil; the book was so easy to read, it was in capital letters with exclamation marks because Akil was screaming at us. It was about getting out of the mindset that this system has put you in. This mindset that makes you feel like your circumstances are permanent and wherever you're born is where you're going to end up. You have to realize who you are.
-- Charlamagne Tha God -
In this system called America, white privilege reigns supreme but to me, I have to embrace what I am and how special we are as a people. I have to know that God put me here for a real reason and He blessed me with divine privilege and there's a divine system that I can tap into that can help me overcome any obstacle that stands in my way.
-- Charlamagne Tha God -
As a radio personality, I'm a public servant, we all should be public servants in some way shape or form. I feel like my soul purpose is to be of service to others.
-- Charlamagne Tha God -
When you talk about "white privilege", you're talking about something systemic. When you're talking about "black privilege" it's something spiritual because we as black people tap into a divine system that a lot of other cultures and races can't tap into and that system allows us to prosper in spite of everything that's been thrown our way from slavery to segregation to mass incarceration. We have a privilege pre-ordained by God that nothing and no one can stop.
-- Charlamagne Tha God -
I was specifically referring to the regular everyday people that you come across on your come up. You never know if that intern that you disrespected might end up being the CEO of the company one day, you honestly never know who's who. It's easy to treat the stars and the executives with respect but how do you treat the security guards or the waiter that serves your food? You may have to cross that bridge later.
-- Charlamagne Tha God -
If you look at this government and this Donald Trump's administration, this is the same thing that we've been facing for centuries and they're not here to help us. In this moment in time you have to help yourself and we have to help each other.
-- Charlamagne Tha God -
Those of us that get to a certain level, we have to start giving back to our communities, giving information it's something that you have to do. It's either realize that you're a great individual by nature and move towards that or just accept the white man telling you: 'you're never going to prosper, this world isn't meant for you to prosper, we have privilege, you don't, that's it.'
-- Charlamagne Tha God -
We as black have to remind ourselves that we are a great people and we come from a great lineage. How can we say that we were Kings and Queens during ancient civilization but then turn around and say, 'we don't have privilege.' Who said that? What is that based on? Is that based on the white man's definition of privilege and what this system is showing us? Yes, of course.
-- Charlamagne Tha God -
I want people to start getting involved in voting for the Senate, Congress and local elections. I just want to see us get involved more in the political process especially when you see things like police brutality going on and different people complaining about the sheriffs whether it's in Ferguson or Missouri.
-- Charlamagne Tha God -
I think that's what we don't understand as human beings is this is America. It's a democracy. Once we get whoever we want into the White House, even the person we want to get in the White House doesn't get in the White House. We have every right to not only criticize that person but demand that person does what it is we need to get done. That just happens with us mobilizing and us using our voices to talk to the mayors, the governors and the presidents.
-- Charlamagne Tha God -
We have to be a democracy and demand certain things even after that individual gets in the White House. All those promises those dudes and women are making on the campaign trail, we gotta make sure those promises come to fruition and that doesn't happen by just voting and letting them get in and then falling back. Nah, you gotta be active. You gotta make your voice heard and be constantly involved in what's going on.
-- Charlamagne Tha God -
Hillary Clinton'll be Madam President and we'll be in the White House.
-- Charlamagne Tha God -
What really made me want to get involved in politics was seeing the rise of the antichrist Donald Trump. I started to see how he was energizing the country, but he was energizing the country in total opposite ways than Barack did. He wasn't bringing people together; he was literally tearing people apart. He literally wants to build a wall while I feel like Barack Obama's rise actually built bridges.
-- Charlamagne Tha God -
When I'm talking to an artist, I'm not being malicious when I tell them their music is wack. These are artists with mad money and fame so why should they care about my critique?
-- Charlamagne Tha God
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