Janet Poppendieck famous quotes

50 minutes ago

  • Campaign may invite a certain skepticism about democracy, but it will surely restore your faith in cinema verite.

  • We want the full works of citizenship with no reservations. We will accept nothing less . . . This condition of freedom, equality, and democracy is not the gift of gods. It is the task of men, yes, men, brave men, honest men, determined men.

  • Winning Democracy for the Negro is winning the war for Democracy

  • I told the students that we can exert pressure without resorting to violence, and that we can move towards democracy without violence; that way, God will allow it.

  • We will not let terrorists change our way of life; we will not live in fear; and we will not undermine the civil liberties that characterize our Democracy.

  • Anyone who can walk to the welfare office can walk to work.

  • Actually I do support a charity, DefendersofWildLife.org. They help protect endangered species.

  • When I die, I should be ashamed to leave enough to build me a monument if there were a wanting friend above ground. I would enjoy the pleasure of what I give by giving it alive and seeing another enjoy it.

  • True charity consists in doing good to those who do us evil, and in thus winning them over.

  • A large heart can be filled with very little.