Ryan Allis famous quotes

50 minutes ago

  • Have more humility. Remember you don't know the limits of your own abilities. Successful or not, if you keep pushing beyond yourself, you will enrich your own life – and maybe even please a few strangers.

  • It is a sad commentary of our times when our young must seek advice and counsel from 'Dear Abby' instead of going to Mom and Dad.

  • I care not much for a man's religion whose dog and cat are not the better for it.

  • To create is, first and foremost, to create time.

  • Maturity: the confidence to have no opinions on many things.

  • But the attitude of faith is to let go, and become open to truth, whatever it might turn out to be.

  • If you have a government that is elected, they need to do the hard work - because if they don't, they won't be around the next time the ballot box is open.

  • The working men are the basis of all governments, for the plain reason that they are the most numerous...

  • Are you really angry, or simply aware of anger in the body and mind? Don't speculate, simply look at what is there.

  • The approach of death certainly concentrates the mind.