W. Ann Reynolds famous quotes

Last updated: Sep 5, 2024

  • Teaching is an instinctual art, mindful of potential, craving of realizations, a pausing, seamless process.

  • While other creators make a big show of their art Mani Sir makes it look as though anyone can do what he does.

  • Art does not exist for politics, or for instruction- it exists primarily for pleasure, or it is nothing.

  • I've always been a bit of a mix between art and technology. I used to paint a lot, but I'm not very good with my hands. It has always been a fusion between my computer gaming interests and being exposed to the rich data of society that we live in.

  • How aware were photographers in the past of other visual arts? "No photographer of any distinction at all could approach his work without some awareness of what was going on in other visual media, and for that matter neither the painter nor the draughtsman could ignore photography."

  • Only recently serious research into the relationship between photography and art has taken place. Why has it been so long in coming ? In some respects historical research is analogous with that of science. The bringing to light of factual material and the development of ideas is to a large extent cumulative. But when artists themselves were, from about 1910, beginning to tear down the bastions protecting Art in its ivory tower, questioning the idea of Art with a capital 'A', photography was inevitably to assume a new stature both in the eyes of artists and the public, too.

  • To me documentary photography means making a picture so that the viewer doesn’t think about the man who made the picture. At its esthetic core is very old tradition in art: naturalism. And its purpose is to document all facets of social relationships.

  • Do not put such unlimited power into the hands of husbands. Remember all men would be tyrants if they could.

  • If you don't value what you have, you're sure to lose it.

  • God made man, and then said I can do better than that and made woman.

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