David Bower famous quotes


  • Be fanatics. When it comes to being and doing and dreaming the best, be maniacs.

  • Having a dream, living that dream, losing that dream, dreaming again and then having that dream come true again is one of the greatest feelings ever because I`m stronger.

  • It's every actor's dream to work in a hit show on Broadway and also shoot a television show.

  • Doing Shakespeare in the Park has always been a dream. Everyone else says Hamlet, but I want to play Romeo.

  • The love she left behind will be the reason dreams are reached. She was the rock in a world that was crumbling. Her strength will remain. It’s in our hearts.

  • Prime Minister Sharon, Prime Minister Abbas, I urge you today to end the designs of those who seek destruction, annihilation and occupation, and I urge you to have the will and the courage to begin to realize our dreams of peace, prosperity and coexistence.

  • If we mean to have heroes, statesmen and philosophers, we should have learned women.

  • Many husbands today pitch in to help with household chores - it's called partnership.

  • But what is woman? Only one of nature's agreeable blunders.

  • I want in all cases to do right.