Sam Hughes famous quotes


  • The biggest misconception about me is the bad-boy image that everyone stuck me into due to my tattoos, drug days and the constant changes I make with my hair color.

  • There's life outside Backstreet Boys that is going on and continuing.

  • But people who really know me, know that I am not a bad boy at heart I am a big teddy bear.

  • I was taking the bad boy off the market for good.

  • Poetry is a way for me to explore a tingly feeling, to let it play itself out, and also to map it. I feel like I'm making little star maps when I write poems.

  • If you are serious, don't play with my heart, it makes me furious.

  • The thing about travelling is that you work hard and play hard, but you can do all those things without your parents knowing.

  • To attain our aim we should stop at nothing even if we must join forces with the devil.

  • Everywhere the devil spits, poison ivy grows.

  • One seldom recognizes the devil when he is putting his hand on your shoulder.

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