Eunice Kennedy Shriver famous quotes


  • There are no Asian movie stars

  • Words are freeborn, and not the vassals of the gruff tyrants of prose to do their bidding only. They have the same right to dance and sing as the dewdrops have to sparkle and the stars to shine.

  • We can never sneer at the stars, mock the dawn, or scoff at the totality of being.

  • Once I even took the train to Utrecht, forty miles from Amsterdam, with my yellow star, this star which I still have. Why did I go? I just wanted to visit some friends. I was a little bit crazy, a little bit insane.

  • If particular care and attention is not paid to the ladies, we are determined to foment a rebellion, and will not hold ourselves bound by any laws in which we have no voice, or representation.

  • If we mean to have heroes, statesmen and philosophers, we should have learned women.

  • Feminine intuition, a quality perhaps even rarer in women than in men.

  • Until the first blow fell, no one was convinced that Penn Station really would be demolished, or that New York would permit this monumental act of vandalism against one of the largest and finest landmarks of its age of Roman elegance. Any city gets what it admires, will pay for, and, ultimately, deserves. Even when we had Penn Station, we couldn’t afford to keep it clean. We want and deserve tin-can architecture in a tinhorn culture. And we will probably be judged not by the monuments we build but by those we have destroyed

  • I'm conflicted with theater in the city because you want to reach a diverse audience, and that audience doesn't typically go to the theater.

  • On the road from the City of Skepticism, I had to pass through the Valley of Ambiguity.

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