Gerald Posner famous quotes


  • Use what you know. Draw from it. It doesnt always mean plot or fact. It means capturing a truth from your experiencing it, expressing values you personally feel deep down in your core.

  • So somehow, things that seem extraneous to the play in reality are not. The scene lasts 37 minutes, and you only need 12 minutes of that for the plot. But if you pull the rest of it out, it's not my play.

  • Bigotrys birthplace is the sinister back room of the mind where plots and schemes are hatched for the persecution and oppression of other human beings.

  • It’s so real." "Most dreams are. It isn't until you wake up that you see all the plot holes.

  • The cliches are that it's the most generic Starsky and Hutch plot you can find.

  • There are conspiracies all over the Senate floor on any day!

  • Is it more childish and foolish to insist that there is a conspiracy or that there is not?

  • Even if you don't have the authorities - and frankly I didn't have the authorities for anything - if you take charge, people will follow

  • I couldn't get a job with CIA today. I am not qualified.

  • My father was assassinated by an FBI-CIA connection

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