Charles Oakley famous quotes


  • There was less than I’d expected in the rainy-day fund that Mom had kept in the bottom of an underwear drawer in a panty hose egg labeled ‘DEAD SPIDERS.’ As if I hadn’t always known it was there. As if I wouldn’t want to look at dead spiders.

  • They say that hens do cackle loudest when there is nothing vital in the eggs they have laid.

  • I was run over by the truth one day.Ever since the accident I've walked this way

  • It is emphatically the case that life could not arise spontaneously in a primeval soup from its kind.

  • A first-rate soup is more creative than a second-rate painting.

  • Why should I trust you? We haven't drunk from the same bowl of soup.

  • Tibby cried into her soup when it finally came. "I'm scared... ," she told it. The carrots and peas made no reply, but she felt better for having told them.

  • [To waiter who had spilled soup on her:] Never darken my Dior again!

  • Good manners: The noise you don't make when you're eating soup.

  • I would love to do something like 'Tosh.0,' where I host Internet clips. I did host 'Talk Soup,' which is similar. I love doing that, making fun of video clips on the Internet.

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