John Bachman famous quotes


  • Acquaintance I would have, but when it depends; not on number, but the choice of friends.

  • A number of current theoretical explorations will turn out to be passing fancies...

  • Arithmetic starts with the integers and proceeds by successively enlarging the number system by rational and negative numbers, irrational numbers, etc... But the next quite logical step after the reals, namely the introduction of infinitesimals, has simply been omitted. I think, in coming centuries it will be considered a great oddity in the history of mathematics that the first exact theory of infinitesimals was developed 300 years after the invention of the differential calculus.

  • Pray tell us, what's your favorite number?

  • A mathematician's reputation rests on the number of bad proofs he has given.

  • I hope the Vandals had thorns in their sandals

  • One self-approving hour whole years outweighs.

  • In half an hour, I'll know more than you do.

  • Yea, when mortality dissolves,  Shall I not meet thine hour unawed? My house eternal in the heavens  Is lighted by the smile of God!

  • How had it turned into this? I had lived my whole stupid life without him, and now I could barely make it through the hour.