Charlie Albright famous quotes

50 minutes ago

  • Some of my academic friends think Ive fallen from a very special grace.

  • I think I feel rather differently about sympathy to what seems the normal view. I like just to feel it is there, but not always expressed.

  • God does not so much want us to do things as to let people see what He can do.

  • Once a leader delegates, he should show utmost confidence in the people he has entrusted.

  • I have known some quite good people who were unhappy, but never an interested person who was unhappy.

  • People who deal with life generously and large-heartedly go on multiplying relationships to the end.

  • If you plan on being anything less than you are capable of being, you will probably be unhappy all the days of your life.

  • Our responses to the world are crucially moulded by the company we keep, for we temper our curiosity to fit in with the expectations of others.

  • If people know we expect good things from them, they will in most cases go to great lengths to live up to our expectations.

  • I never worried about teams who spend what they want to spend. It never bothered me. At the moment we have a lot of Middle Eastern owners, we have American owners of course, Russian owners. It never bothered me one bit. All I was concerned about was that we at United maintained our level of expectation, be competitive, be at the top part of the Premier League.

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