Bruce Herschensohn famous quotes


  • Creativity comes from applying things you learn in other fields to the field you work in.

  • A nation must be embraced, rehabilitated and expressed as a tangible sign of human creativity and as an integral element of mankinds heritage.

  • Educationists should build the capacities of the spirit of inquiry, creativity, entrepreneurial and moral leadership among students and become their role model.

  • The house of delusions is cheap to build but drafty to live in.

  • May I a small house and large garden have; And a few friends, And many books, both true.

  • I grew up in a house that liked to be funny. Everybody liked to be funny. My family's been...we've been enjoying each other's comedy for years.

  • You know, you really can't beat a household commodity - the ketchup bottle on the kitchen table.

  • All I needed was a steady table and a typewriter...a marble-topped bedroom washstand table made a good place; the dining-room table between meals was also suitable.

  • I sleep with my gun on my bedside table. I live alone; it is my protection and makes me feel safer.

  • Cherie, did the table do something I did not see or were you just attempting to teach it a lesson?" "I was imagining it was Evor." "Strange that they do not resemble each other." "I have a good imagination." "Ah, in that case, I do not suppose you are imagining I'm Brad Pitt?

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