Robert M famous quotes

Last updated: Sep 5, 2024

  • No one man is superior to the game.

  • Ambition often puts Men upon doing the meanest offices; so climbing is performed in the same position with creeping.

  • A devotee should be fixed in the conclusion that, the spiritual master cannot be subject to criticism and should never be considered equal to a common man.

  • Men have presented their plans and philosophies for the remedying of earth's ills, but Jesus stands alone in presenting not a system, but His own personality as capable of supplying the needs of the soul.

  • The soul of the slave, the soul of the "little man," is as dear to me as the soul of the great.

  • Life, to be sure, is nothing much to lose, But young men think it is, and we were young.

  • Therefore, since the world has still Much good, but much less good than ill, And while the sun and moon endure Luck's a chance, but trouble's sure, I'd face it as a wise man would, And train for ill and not for good.

  • I've had journalists asking me, 'What do we call you - is it handicapped, are you disabled, physically challenged?' I said, 'Well hopefully you could just call me Aimee. But if you have to describe it, I'm a bilateral below-the-knee amputee.'

  • Askin what happened to the feelin that her and me had, I pray so much about it, need some knee pads.

  • Having a normal knee would make life a lot easier.

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