Vicente Huidobro famous quotes

50 minutes ago

  • THURSDAY, APRIL 5, 1894... I met with the Quorum and Presidency in the temple... President Woodruff then spoke... 'In searching out my genealogy I found about four hundred of my female kindred who were never married. I asked Pres. Young what I should do with them. He said for me to have them sealed to me unless there were more than 999 of them. The doctrine startled me, but I had it done.

  • I've had to live with women all my life. I grew up with four older sisters, and I was the baby and the only boy.

  • One in four of us will have a mental illness at some point. That is a lot of people.

  • And it was like knocking four quick times on the door of unhappiness.

  • My reading list grows exponentially. Every time I read a book, it'll mention three other books I feel I have to read. It's like a particularly relentless series of pop-up ads.

  • I made a written report which is still today in existence. I have a photocopy of it, and I am saying that in production this aircraft could perhaps substitute for three propeller- driven aircraft of the best existing type. This was my impression.

  • And the reason I am so nervous is that everything I do now is leading me to one of three possible futures... Which one will it be? Time alone will tell. But still I know that writing this diary can perhaps provide the answer; it may even help produce the right future.

  • I'm a lifetime St. Louis Cardinals fan.

  • A cardinal rule of bureaucracy is that it is better to extend an error than to admit a mistake.

  • There is only one cardinal rule: One must always listen to the patient.