Bob Beckel famous quotes

50 minutes ago

  • Me?" All the crappiness of the day, of the last few weeks, zeroed in on this high and mighty B with an itch, and the scared-rabbit feeling faded.

  • I joined another circle and the leader gave us a little leaflet in very small print, asking us to read it carefully and then come prepared to ask questions. It was a technical Marxist subject and I did not understand it nor did I know what questions to ask.

  • I'm asking you in your sermons to do the work of the Lord here on earth. I ask for your help in getting that message out urgently tomorrow.

  • Charm is a way of getting the answer 'Yes' without asking a clear question.

  • What is worth doing is worth the trouble of asking somebody to do it.

  • I don't normally vote. I'm lazy and I never bought into the 'Every vote counts.'

  • All we have is our vote. But it's powerful.

  • In the lack of judgment great harm arises, but one vote cast can set right a house.

  • Vote early and vote often.

  • Everybody should pay some tax, just as everybody should vote.

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