Emil Julius Gumbel famous quotes

Last updated: Sep 5, 2024

  • I do what I feel is right. I do not fear to walk on a new path and take risk.

  • If you work around at-risk teen students, actually tell them you love them and have faith in their success. No one tells them that. No one.

  • Drawing is one of those things which sit on the uneasy bending line between instinct and instruction, where seeming perversity eventually trumps pleasure as the card players and the kibitzers interact and new thrills are sought.

  • I don't see the risk, I enjoy performing stunts, and I don't get scared.

  • Today the strategies of many companies in the real estate industry are premised on low interest rates, an assumption that has resulted in the rapid expansion of the real estate securitization business. This trend could be regarded as a risk factor, as it exposes the real estate sector to at least three potential problems: first, interest rate hikes; second, revisions to securitization business accounting standards; and third, overheating in the real estate market.

  • The thing is doing it, that's what it's all about. Not in the results of it. After all what is a risk? It's a risk not to take risks. Otherwise, you can go stale and repeat yourself. I don't feel like a person who takes risks. Yet there's something within me that must provoke controversy because I find it wherever I go. Anybody who cares about what he does takes risks.

  • Make wars unprofitable and you make them impossible.

  • Sometimes the good fight feels impossible, but I for one, am NOT giving up.

  • There's lots about politics I don't feel comfortable with. To talk about the politics of future ideas is impossible in soundbite form.

  • Future orientation is combined with a notion and expectation of progress, and nothing is impossible.

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