Alben W. Barkley famous quotes


  • The intelligent person is not one who merely knows what is good and what is bad. The intelligent person is one who, when he sees what is good, follows it, and when he sees evil, shuns it.

  • I want to work with intelligent people and look for scripts that I think are intelligent and surprising.

  • A highly intelligent man should take a primitive woman. Imagine if on top of everything else, I had a woman who interfered with my work.

  • It will be my earnest aim that The New York Times give the news, all the news, in concise and attractive form, in language that is permissible in good society, and give it as early if not earlier, than it can be learned through any other reliable medium; to give the news impartially, without fear or favor, regardless of party, sect, or interest involved; to make of the columns of The New York Times a forum for the consideration of all questions of public importance, and to that end to invite intelligent discussion from all shades of opinion.

  • Gaffe-focused journalism: revenge of intelligent people who know true evils are out there but lack the access/time to get to them.

  • I filmed myself drunk, just to see what I'm like. I watched so many funny videos of people drunk on YouTube.

  • It has long been recognized that the problems with alcohol relate not to the use of a bad thing, but to the abuse of a good thing.

  • Alright, remember, alcohol equals puke equals smelly mess equals nobody likes you.

  • And then you have the responsibility and the duty of being good examples to youngsters, not smoke, training hard, go to bed early, don't drink alcohol, don't take drugs, it's very important to have a policy for educating against doping.

  • I thought such awful thoughts that I cannot even say them out loud because they would make Jesus want to drink gin straight out of the cat dish.

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