Ina Claire famous quotes

50 minutes ago

  • Our constitution, in short, is a judge-made constitution, and it bears on its face all the features, good and bad, of judge-made law.

  • It doesn't have to be the Grand Canyon, it could be a city street, it could be the face of another human being - Everything is full of wonder.

  • I'm feeling how profoundly my family disappointed me and in the end how I retreated, how I became nothing, because that was much less risky than attempting to be something, to be anything in the face of such contempt.

  • At which time the repulsor puts out its final effort and slows you down so you crash quite slowly into the surface." "Crash." "Quite slowly." Face & Luke

  • If I were you I would face my clothes, to make sure that no one runs off with them!

  • In a dream you are never eighty.

  • At my age, any day above ground and vertical is a good day.

  • I expect that all of us get pretty much what we deserve of appreciation.

  • I've learned... that everyone you meet deserves to be greeted with a smile.

  • I'm terrible at posting regularly; I don't deserve the blog success!