Robert Daniel Carmichael famous quotes

Last updated: Sep 5, 2024

  • In computers, every 'new explosion' was set off by a software product that allowed users to program differently.

  • The customer is usually wrong, but statistics indicate that it doesn't pay to tell him so

  • To Thales the primary question was not what do we know, but how do we know it.

  • Once you can reproduce a phenomenon, you are well on the way to understanding it.

  • It's not the meaning of life we seek but our aliveness. Once we have that, the meaning of life is obvious.

  • The larger crimes are apt to be the simpler, for the bigger the crime, the more obvious, as a rule, is the motive.

  • If you make things sound inoffensively obvious, then it is likely that no one will listen.

  • Obvious effort is the antithesis of grace.

  • I don't know if it is obvious, but I am extremely shy.

  • I've never set out consciously to write American music. I don't know what that would be unless the obvious Appalachian folk references.