David M. Brown famous quotes


  • Often we want people to pray for us and help us, but we always defeat our object when we look too much to them and lean upon them. The true secret of union is for both to look upon God, and in the act of looking past themselves to Him they are unconsciously united.

  • Universities are not here to be mediums for the coercion of other people, they're here to be mediums for the free exchange of ideas.

  • Major sports are major parts of society. It's not anomalous to have people who love sports come from other parts of that society.

  • He stopped and looked back at me "I love you too Pagan. I'll miss you. In every life.

  • God didn't miss any of us.

  • I'm always a little leery about doing shows where I'm not the headliner because when I first started playing in 1982 I opened for Missing Persons and got pelted for 45 minutes. After that, I made the decision to headline no matter what, even if I was playing to seven people. I wanted people to be there to see me.

  • We are not separate. Our sense of separateness is superficial and exist only in the physical dimension. In our human element, we are not separate; we’re very much connected. Every other human being is just as precious as we are, and worthy of as much respect and love and consideration. This understanding needs to manifest in our conduct in each moment. This is the part of the Work that will transform you.

  • The Bible calls us to love our neighbors, and to do justice and love kindness, not to indiscriminately kill one another.

  • One thing I've learned, in the face of all kinds of indignities, domestic workers take so much pride in their work and love the children they care for.

  • Let us drink together, fellows, as we did in days of yore. And still enjoy the golden hours that Fortune has in store; The absent friends remembered be, in all that’s sung or said, And Love immortal consecrate the memory of the dead.

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