Anthony D. Barnosky famous quotes

50 minutes ago

  • You have your identity when you find out, not what you can keep your mind ON, but what you can't keep your mind OFF.

  • Readjusting is a painful process, but most of us need it at one time or another.

  • All the evidence that we have indicates that it is reasonable to assume in practically every human being, and certainly in almost every newborn baby, that there is an active will toward health, an impulse towards growth, or towards the actualization.

  • Change is inevitable. Change for the better is a full-time job.

  • Even God cannot change the past.

  • Three minutes thought would suffice to find this out; but thought is irksome and three minutes is a long time.

  • People weren't buying as many records. My record company did not want me. I went through three record companies, went on tour at the wrong time. It destroyed me.

  • I made a written report which is still today in existence. I have a photocopy of it, and I am saying that in production this aircraft could perhaps substitute for three propeller- driven aircraft of the best existing type. This was my impression.

  • If we would have had the 262 at our disposal - even with all the delays - if we could have had in '44, ah, let's say three hundred operational, that day we could have stopped the American daytime bombing offensive, that's for sure.

  • I love Pilates, I really do, and I do it three times a week because it works well for me.

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