Bernd Schuster famous quotes


  • Little Bobby Jones of Atlanta is really a fine player, and shows every indication of becoming a tremendous great one, once he is master of himself, which must come with maturity.

  • Entrepreneurship: 10% coach, 20% player, 30% cheerleader, 40% waterboy.

  • My music lives because of real players.

  • I feel like Josh, Michelle and Adam were all team players, who wanted to be a part of an ensemble.

  • I want to help Manchester United win the Premier League and become the best player in the world.

  • This is my belief: that through difficulties and problems God gives us the opportunity to grow. So when your hopes and dreams and goals are dashed, search among the wreckage, you may find a golden opportunity hidden in the ruins''.

  • I demand pretty aggressive goal setting and a commitment to measured progress towards those goals because I don't like surprises. I don't even like good surprises.

  • It's all about how can you take care of yourself when furthering your life's goals and ambitions, and purpose and whatever you choose - family, career - to maintain a really balanced, whole, healthy outlook.

  • The goal of a great democracy should be fulfillment, not ease. It should be adequacy, not serenity.

  • If Messi is the best in the world, it's only because Cristiano is from another planet.

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