Ric Suggitt famous quotes

50 minutes ago

  • And when you, O human, will return to Nature, that day your eyes will open, you will stare straight into the eyes of Nature and in its mirror you will see your image. You will knowthat when you hid from Nature, you hid from yourselfWe who have been turned away from Nature - if we desire life, we must establish a new relationship with Nature.

  • Harriet, Hi! Light of my eye! Come to the pictures and have a good cry, For it's jolly old Saturday, Mad-as-a-hatter-day, Nothing-much-matter-day-night!

  • As photographers, we must learn to relax our beliefs. Move on objects with your eye straight on, to the left, around on the right. Watch them grow large as they approach, group and regroup as you shift your position. Relationships gradually emerge and sometimes assert themselves with finality. And that's your picture.

  • In trying to avoid one sin I've committed another.

  • I have a dreadful fear that the more you try to prevent revealing the self, the more you do.

  • I try to be as courteous as possible and sometimes try to tell my fans that as much as I appreciate their support, there are times where I need to be able to have an uninterrupted dinner or not have to take a bunch of pictures or just be able to do some of the normal things.

  • If you feel that strongly about something, you have an obligation to try and change my mind.

  • Trying to guess what the (mass) audience wants and then trying to satisfy that is usually a bad recipe for getting something good.

  • I have more critics than Hitler.

  • Rugby is a nonsense, but a very serious nonsense.

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