William Bolcom famous quotes


  • When you can turn people on their head and shake them and no money falls out, then you know God's saying, "Move on, son."

  • Stars, I have seen them fall, But when they drop and die No star is lost at all From all the star-sown sky. The toil of all that be Helps not the primal fault; It rains into the sea And still the sea is salt.

  • These, in the day when heaven was falling, The hour when earth's foundations fled, Followed their mercenary calling And took their wages and are dead. The British regulars who made the retreat from Mons, beginning August 24, 1914.

  • You're going to fall down, but the world doesn't care how many times you fall down, as long as it's one fewer than the numbers of times you get back up.

  • The soul of the slave, the soul of the "little man," is as dear to me as the soul of the great.

  • You smile upon your friend to-day, To-day his ills are over; You hearken to the lover's say, And happy is the lover. 'Tis late to hearken, late to smile, But better late than never: I shall have lived a little while Before I die for ever.

  • I've never before been so aware of the thousands of little good things, the thousands of things that go right every day.

  • Don't. Please, just let me hold you a little bit longer," he mumbled into my hair

  • It is almost impossible to throw dirt on someone without getting a little on yourself

  • Don’t criticize them; they are just what we would be under similar circumstances.