William Thomas Councilman famous quotes

Last updated: Sep 5, 2024

  • A bona fide spiritual master, under the guidance of authorities, can turn anyone to the Vaisnava cult so that naturally he may come to the topmost position of a brahmana.

  • I may be wrong, but the essential illustrative nature of most documentary photography, and the worship of the object per se, in our best nature photography, is not enough to satisfy the man of today, compounded as he is of Christ, Freud, and Marx.

  • You will be courteous to your elders who have explored to the point from which you may advance; and helpful to your juniors who will progress farther by reason of your labors.

  • Worship, I say, rises or falls with our concept of God .... and if there is one terrible disease in the Church of Christ, it is that we do not see God as great as He is.

  • It was also my experience at Hull-House that aroused my interest in industrial diseases.

  • Over the long term, it is more profitable to do the right thing for the environment than to pollute it.

  • The struggle of today is not altogether for today - it is for a vast future also.

  • The planet is in distress and all of the attention is on Paris Hilton.

  • Such prosperity as we have known it up to the present is the consequence of rapidly spending the planet's irreplaceable capital.

  • Children who are respected learn respect. Children who are cared for learn to care for those weaker than themselves. Children who are loved for what they are cannot learn intolerance. In an environment such as this, they will develop their own ideals, which can be nothing other than humane, since they grew out of the experience of love.

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