Kim Joon famous quotes


  • The simplest answer is to act.

  • Don't take 'no' for an answer.

  • How should they answer?

  • It is not enough for me to ask question; I want to know how to answer the one question that seems to encompass everything I face: What am I here for?

  • The real problem with all drugs is that they work. Fantastically. They're great, right up until the moment they kill you.

  • We do 32 episodes a season and will have shot 267 episodes by the end of the ninth season... It's impossible to sell that many episodes in the foreign market.

  • Music is only a means to an end - it is not the end. The concern is with the condition of man

  • Delete, delete, delete and at the end find the ‘core aspect of the design’

  • You see, Hansel and Gretel don’t just show up at the end of this story. They show up. And then they get their heads cut off. Just thought you’d like to know.

  • Only the luckless, the petty or the deranged [end] up in court.