Takudzwa Victoria Rosa Maidza famous quotes


  • In trying to avoid one sin I've committed another.

  • I, personally, am trying to get more and more involved with the gay and lesbian movement, very much so.

  • Try lighting your house by prayer instead of electricity and see which one works.

  • Above all am I convinced of the need, irrevocable and inescapable, of every human heart, for God. No matter how we try to escape, to lose ourselves in restless seeking, we cannot separate ourselves from our divine source. There is no substitute for God.

  • Beginning with the first bite, and for every bite after, that try to chew ten times.

  • Better to be too early and have to try again, than be too late and have to catch up.

  • The business models in enterprise have changed pretty dramatically. A huge problem with enterprise software traditionally has been usually you sell to the customer and then they adopt the technology. The great thing about 'freemium' and the new way enterprise software is being sold is you get to try it first and then buy it.

  • Good satire goes beyond the specific point it’s trying to make and teaches you how to think critically. Even after your favorite cartoonist retires or [Stephen] Colbert wraps it up, you’re not left believing everything they’re telling you.

  • If you feel that strongly about something, you have an obligation to try and change my mind.

  • I try to pick characters that I find interesting and complex and that I feel I can bring something of myself to.

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