#Alcohol Quotes #Saws Quotes #Clients Quotes
“If I could have any power, I think flying would definitely be up there! Along with speaking every language.”
“A majority of the crime in the downtown is property crime. There have been a few larcenies and burglaries, but robberies and assaults are not common in the downtown. There isn't usually any violent crime.”
“A lot of people want to judge the fact that I'm an actor. That's ridiculous. No one knows what I was doing before I made my first movie. I just happened to do it as an actor all the while I've been doing music, but never with the intention to become a screaming famous pop star.”
“I am ever mindful of the legacy of my grandfather, the founder of this Kingdom, who had said to me that he perceived his life as a link in a continuous chain of those who served our nation and that he expected me to be a new and strong link in the same chain.”
“One hour three times per week in the gym is no counterbalance to all of the other behavior in those other 165 hours”
“But we comforted ourselves with what we really meant to say, which was: "I don't normally feel this good about what I'm doing." Measure the hope of that moment, that feeling. Everything else will be measured against it.”
“Geeks like to think that they can ignore politics, you can leave politics alone, but politics won't leave you alone.”
Source : "O'Reilly Open Source Conference: Day 3". www.apacheweek.com. July 26, 2002.
“The essence of design... lies in the process of discovering a problem shared by many people and trying to solve it.”