“Today what we are doing is modernizing the financial services industry, tearing down those antiquated laws and granting banks significant new authority.”
“When people score films, the job is to be visual. When people make music, it's about evoking feeling. It's great when you get both feelings and being out of their head.”
Source : "Above the Line: An Interview with Adrian Younge". AllHipHop.com Interview, allhiphop.com. July 10, 2015.
“Poets of course are even more unpredictable than other writers, overwhelmed as they are by the moment they inhabit and finding it difficult to connect yesterday with tomorrow.”
Source : Karl Jay Shapiro, Richard O'Barry (1990). “Poet: An Autobiography in Three Parts”
“Who is it needs such flawless shafts as fate? What archer of his arrows is so choice, or hits the white so surely?”
“A man of refined taste and judgment.”
“I just thought acting would be something to help out with my student loans, but my first year as an actress, I made more money than my parents. That's when I realized it could turn into a career. After that, I put everything I had into it.”
Source : On his role as Atticus Finch in "To Kill a Mockingbird". "Oscar-Winner Gregory Peck Dies at Age 87", usatoday30.usatoday.com. June 12, 2003.
“There was no justice, there was only life. And life she had.”
“I think I have more patience now than I did in the past.”