#Credit Quotes #Lending Quotes
“I am not sure why, but I have been obsessed by the Atom Bomb ever since it first happened.”
“Pack a pillow and blanket and see as much of the world as you can.You will not regret it.”
“Only think of my being alive with a reputation!”
Source : Winslow Homer, Robert W. Schlageter, Cummer Gallery of Art (1977). “Winslow Homer's Florida, 1886-1909: exhibition April 22 to May 29, 1977, Cummer Gallery of Art, Jacksonville”
Source : "Sophie Hannah: 'It's surprising how many poems turn out to be about sex'". Interview with Kate Kellaway, www.theguardian.com. April 19, 2014.
“I can't swim but if my girlfriend was drowning, I'd still dive in to save her.”
Abraham Polonsky
Film director
Alva Myrdal
Swedish Politician
Antoine Rivarol
Carl Zuckmayer
Ferdinand Mount
John Charles Polanyi
Robert Dale Owen
American Politician