#Body Quotes #Exaggeration Quotes #Contrast Quotes
“...our eyes locked in one of those looks that sometimes happen between strangers, when both wordlessly agree that reality contains sinkholes whose depths neither can ever hope to fathom.”
“Sunsets are so beautiful that they almost seem as if we were looking through the gates of Heaven.”
“I don't say what God is, but a name That somehow answers us when we are driven To feel and think how little we have to do With what we are.”
“I will always be someone who wants to do better than others. I love competition.”
“There are no ugly ducklings.”
“Walking on willow tree roads by a river dappled with peach blossoms, I look for spring light, but am everywhere lost. Birds fly up and scatter floating catkins. A ponderous wave of flowers sags the branches.”
“Schooling is what happens inside the wall of the school, some of which is educational. Education happens everywhere, and it happens from the moment a child is born-some say before-until it dies.”
“My dad almost died as a child from water-borne diseases in Ethiopia, and he had talked to me about digging a well in Ethiopia and I thought, I have too many friends and great people in my life that would be concerned with this subject of clean water.”
Source : Source: www.elle.com
Esther Rolle Actress
Tina Thompson Basketball player