Sam Horn
"There is nothing wrong with people that reasoning with them won't aggravate!" --
Source : Sam Horn (2004). “Tongue Fu! at School: 30 Ways to Get Along Better with Teachers, Principals, Students, and Parents”, p.98, Taylor Trade Publications
Sam Horn
#People Quotes
“Give a woman a job and she grows balls.”
Source : Jack Gelber (1974). “The Apple & Square in the Eye”
“Keanu Reeves is, like, the worst actor I've ever seen. I can't believe he's a movie star.”
“The zest of life lies in right doing, not in the garnered harvest.”
“The Bible is true, and some of it actually happened.”
“It feels like an amazing opportunity to positively impact the world. That's what I hope to do.”
Source : "Tyler Oakley’s First Ever Australian Interview – Exclusive". Interview with Monique Pueblos, herbrainvomit.com. 2013.
“It's tough when you started out as young as I did to look back and see how far I've come. I try to be easy on myself and go 'Look man, you were younger, you were learning; you learn, you grow.' But I'm not my best judge. I always feel like my best work is still ahead of me.”
Source : "The Development of an Actor". Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, October 12, 1995.
“It has always been this way. Death is followed by birth. To reach paradise, man must pass through inferno. - Bertrand Zobrist”
“What can you do with me? My jannah is in my heart! If you take me to jail, I will make zikr of Allah. If you exile me out of my land, I will make takaffur. If you execute me, I would be a shaheed. What can you do with me? Because I am not limited to this dunya. I am living for al-akhira!”