“When fans love something, they care for it, and that's the hugest success that you can have, as a storyteller.”
Source : Source: collider.com
“I do admire [Willie] Wonka. He's a true capitalist. His factory has zero government regulations, slave labor and an indoor boat. Wonderful.”
Source : Source: www.npr.org
“Throw caution to the wind and just do it.”
“Forgiveness is discovering that what you thought happened, didn’t.”
“Some drawings are better than others... Some are utterly spoiled... I keep them all. I find a use sometimes even for the worst drawing... But their chief use is to mortify one's conceit, to show how thoroughly incompetent it is possible to be, and to shame one into better ways.”
“Primes are the atoms of the arithmetic - the hydrogen and oxygen of the world of numbers”
“Europe is and will be a Union of States.”
Source : Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero's speech to Spanish Cortes, June 15, 2004.
“My goal is simple. All I want to do is re-connect people with animals. Awaken some emotions and some feelings and some logic, that is been buried and suppressed, intentionally, by our society.”
Source : Speech to the students of the Georgia Institute of Technology, Summer 2010.