Source : "Biography/ Personal Quotes".
#Jobs Quotes #Tv Shows Quotes #Curves Quotes
“There are others who aim at popularity under the disguise of patriotism”
Source : Jonathan Mayhew (1750). “A Discourse Concerning Unlimited Submission and Non-resistance to the Higher Powers: With Some Reflections on the Resistance Made to King Charles I, and on the Anniversary of His Death: in which the Mysterious Doctrine of the Princes' Saintship and Martyrdom is Unriddled: the Substance of which was Delivered in a Sermon Preached in the West Meeting-house in Boston the Lord's-day After the 30th of January, 1749/50...”, p.55
“There is no way to find yourself until you discover how utterly to lose yourself.”
“Somebody must always be doing something new, or life would get very dull.”
Ansel Elgort
Film actor
Ashley Judd
Film actress
Dave Franco
Television actor
Jai Courtney
Kate Beckinsale
Miles Teller
Film actor
Shailene Woodley
Veronica Roth
Zoe Kravitz