#People Quotes #Tragedy Quotes #Twins Quotes
“All right, then, I'll say it: Dante makes me sick.”
Source : Last word, 1635.
“I'm drawn to failure. I feel that I'm contending with it constantly in my own life.”
“How you think determines how you act. How you act in turn determines how others react to you.”
Source : David J. Schwartz (2014). “The Magic of Thinking Big”, p.112, Penguin
Source : Lucille Kallen (1981). “Introducing C.B. Greenfield”
“Let's take care of the little things while they're still little.”
Source : John G. Miller (2004). “QBQ! The Question Behind the Question: Practicing Personal Accountability at Work and in Life”, p.55, Penguin
Carl Sagan
John Holdren
Kenneth Arrow
Leland Stanford
Former Governor of California
Louis Agassiz
Paul R. Ehrlich
Population Biologist
Ray Lyman Wilbur
Medical Doctor
Thomas Malthus