#Father Quotes #Views Quotes #Personality Quotes
“Equality and justice, the two great distinguishing characteristics of democracy, follow inevitably from the conception of men, all men, as rational and spiritual beings.”
“You can't build a cathedral in a day. A look at the club's history tells you these things take time.”
“To be successful you must recognise your weaknesses and employ people with complementary skills.”
“From it genesis twelve hundred years ago to today, Islamic philosophy (al-hikmah; al-falsafah) has been one of the major intellectual traditions within the Islamic world, and it has influenced and been influenced by many other intellectual perspectives, including Scholastic theology (kalam) and doctrinal Sufism (al-ma'rifah or al-tasawwuf al-'ilmi) and theoretical gnosis ('irfan-i nazari).”
“Impossible loves. I am very much afraid they can become an addiction.”
“Every moment is all the things that have happened before and all the things that are going to happen, and...the way all those things look at one point on their way along a line.”
“Upon death the believer goes immediately into the presence of Christ in heaven, a realm far better than this earth. Heaven is our true home.”
“IÂ was so cold I almost got married.”
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