#Inspirational Quotes #Choices Quotes #Leader Quotes
“Your eyes in which I travel Have given to signs along the roads A meaning alien to the earth.”
Source : Paul Eluard (1988). “Selected Poems”, London : Calder ; New York : Riverrun Press
Source : Source: www.interviewmagazine.com
Source : Ann Romney addresses the Republican National Convention in Tampa, Florida, www.npr.org. August 28, 2012.
Source : Source: www.americansuburbx.com
“Have you seen U2's live show? It's boring as hell. It's like watching CNN.”
Alan Valentine
Olympic athlete
C. Douglas Dillon
Former United States Secretary of the Treasury
Hazel Henderson
Joseph Jaworski
Robert Strausz-Hupe
Political Scientist
Walter Truett Anderson
Political Scientist