Source : Steven Chu - Biographical, 1997.
“Dreams are never just dreams, they are reality waiting to happen.”
“You cant get beyond the body unless you free the body itself.”
“The strongest man in the world is he who stands most alone.”
Source : Henrik Ibsen (2016). “An Enemy of the People”, p.125, Henrik Ibsen
“Most people don't realize turkeys are friendly, they're social, they're loyal, they have emotions.”
Source : "Thanksgiving Q&A: Shannon Elizabeth’s New Tradition — Adopt A Turkey!". Interview with Christopher Locke, November 21, 2012.
Source : Julius Lester (2003). “When Dad Killed Mom”, p.130, HMH
Source : "On Civil Liberty and Self-government".
“Accepting that the odds are against you is the same as accepting defeat before you begin.”
Barack Obama
44th U.S. President
Claude Cohen-Tannoudji
Ernest Moniz
United States Secretary of Energy
Ken Salazar
Former United States Secretary of the Interior
Lisa P. Jackson
Former Commissioner of the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection
Ray LaHood
Former United States Secretary of Transportation
Tom Vilsack
United States Secretary of Agriculture
Tsung-Dao Lee
William Daniel Phillips