“It quickly came to be that I grew interested in photographing whatever was there wherever I happened to be. For any reason.”
Source : "Out of the ordinary" by Sean O'Hagan, www.theguardian.com. July 24, 2004.
“There is a technical term for someone who confuses the opinions of a character in a book with those of the author. That term is idiot.”
Source : "Conquistador". Book by S.M. Stirling, 2003.
“Translation is a two-edged instrument: it has the special purpose of demonstrating the learner's knowledge of the foreign language, either as a form of control or to exercise his intelligence in order to develop his competence.”
“Keep listening to music, it gets you through everything. I promise.”
Source : "Biography / Personal Quotes". www.imdb.com.
“Refuse to lose, Refuse to be defeated, Refuse to have regrets.”
Source : "Minaj urges fans to 'take charge' in 2011" by Daniel Sperling, www.digitalspy.com. January 3, 2011.
“I don't want to put my fate in country music fans; I'm too stubborn.”
“My only regret in life is that I did not drink more Champagne - John Maynard Keynes Sorrow can be alleviated by good sleep, a bath and a glass of good wine”
“Tennis has always been a big challenge to me and to be able to play that kind of tennis - well, only tennis can produce these feelings for me.”